Get Care When it Counts

The early years around the emergence of the first adult teeth can have a lasting impact on oral health that echoes throughout the years.

However, many children and young people miss out on the vital early assessments that could prevent problems from developing in adulthood.

We want to change that.

Specialist-led young people’s orthodontics and early interceptive care on The Row is designed to support lifelong healthy and natural development.

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When Is The Right Time?

The American Association of Orthodontics recommends a first visit to the orthodontist when the first adult teeth emerge, usually around the age of seven.

However, It’s not uncommon for our team to assess children from age four onwards, especially if their dentist spots early developmental problems.

Whatever age you feel is right for your loved ones, assessing and diagnosing issues early could prevent easily treatable problems from becoming more severe as they grow.


Ready for All Challenges

Early orthodontic evaluation is crucial in identifying and addressing a whole range of common dental issues in children.

Crooked Teeth

One of the most visible signs that a child may benefit from orthodontics is crooked or misaligned teeth. Not only can this affect a child’s smile aesthetically, but it can also make cleaning more difficult, leading to oral health issues.


As adult teeth replace baby teeth, there may not be enough space in a child’s mouth to accommodate them properly. Overcrowded teeth can lead to difficulties with cleaning and an increased risk of cavities. They can affect the overall appearance of the smile.

Overbite & UNDERBITE

An overbite is when the upper front teeth protrude significantly over the lower teeth. An underbite occurs when the lower front teeth are positioned forward of the upper front teeth. These can lead to uneven wear on the teeth and may impact the child’s profile and jaw development as well as causing TMJ pain.


A crossbite is when some upper teeth close inside the lower teeth rather than outside. It can lead to uneven wear of the teeth, gum disease, and can impact jaw growth.

Spacing Issues

Gaps between teeth, whether due to tooth size discrepancies or early loss of baby teeth, can affect how adult teeth erupt and align. In some cases, it can impact speech and the effectiveness of chewing.

Open Bite

This occurs when the upper and lower teeth do not meet when the mouth is closed. Common causes include prolonged thumb-sucking or pacifier use. An open bite can lead to speech difficulties and other oral health issues.

Early Orthodontics on The Row

Getting care when it counts gives your child the best chance of a healthy, happy, long-term outlook. Here’s why the whole family will be in the best hands on The Row.

Specialist Care

We’re one of the nation’s few clinics to offer specialist-led care for children and young people, thanks to expertise from specialist orthodontist Dr Nirmal Shah. 

Clear & Confident

Few children want to spend their formative years in old-fashioned fixed metal braces. We offer child-friendly Invisalign® aligners that won’t get in the way of growing up.


Invisalign® for Children and Teens

Invisalign® offers an aesthetically pleasing and less intrusive alternative to traditional metal braces for children. Here’s why Invisalign® might be the right choice for your child:

Aesthetic Advantage

The clear aligners are virtually invisible, which can be a significant confidence booster for children, especially during their formative years.


Each aligner is custom-made to fit your child’s teeth, ensuring a comfortable fit.

Removable: Invisalign® aligners can be removed for eating, brushing, and flossing, making oral hygiene easier to maintain than traditional braces.


This is when the upper front teeth protrude significantly over the lower teeth. It can lead to uneven wear on the teeth and may impact the child’s profile and jaw development.

Proven Results

Invisalign® is effective in treating various orthodontic issues, including crooked teeth, gaps, and mild to moderate bite problems.


FOR Active Lifestyles

Invisalign® is perfect for children involved in sports or musical instruments, as there’s no risk of injury from wires or brackets.


Meet Dr Nirmal Shah

Our early years team is headed by specialist orthodontist Dr Nirmal Shah, who has years of experience getting youngsters off to the best possible start.

Nirmal gained his specialist qualifications right here at Edinburgh Dental Institute and the Borders General Hospital. 

He now passes on his expertise to fellow professionals as an honorary clinical tutor at Dundee Dental School and the College of Medicine and Dentistry in Birmingham. He has years of experience carrying out complex treatments.

Give Them a Head Start

Call our team now to arrange an early interceptive orthodontic assessment with Nirmal and the team.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is children's orthodontics, and when should my child see an orthodontist?

Children’s orthodontics focuses on correcting teeth and jaw alignment issues in kids and adolescents. Your child should see an orthodontist for an initial evaluation by the age of 7, as some problems are best addressed early to achieve optimal results.

Are braces the only option for correcting my child's teeth alignment issues?

No, braces are just one option. Depending on the specific issue, your child may be a candidate for alternatives such as clear aligners, removable appliances, or functional orthodontic appliances.

How early can orthodontic treatment begin for children?

Orthodontic treatment can begin as early as age 7 or 8, but the ideal timing depends on your child’s needs and growth patterns.

Are children's orthodontic treatments covered by the National Health Service (NHS)?

Orthodontic treatment is available through the NHS for eligible children with severe orthodontic problems. However, there may be waiting lists, and not all cases are covered.

What are the different types of braces available for children in the UK?

Common types of braces for children include traditional metal braces, ceramic braces, and lingual braces (braces placed behind the teeth). Your orthodontist can recommend the most suitable option.

How long does the typical orthodontic treatment for children last?

The duration of treatment varies depending on the issue’s complexity, but it often ranges from 12 to 24 months.

Can my child continue to play sports and musical instruments with braces?

Yes! Your child can participate in sports and play musical instruments while wearing braces. Special mouthguards can be provided for sports to protect the braces, and your child will adapt to playing musical instruments with time.

Are there any dietary restrictions for children with braces?

While there are no strict dietary restrictions, it’s advisable to avoid hard, sticky, and sugary foods that can damage braces. Encourage your child to maintain good oral hygiene.

How often should my child visit the orthodontist during their treatment?

Typically, children with braces should visit the orthodontist every 4 to 8 weeks for adjustments and progress checks.

What are the potential benefits of early orthodontic intervention for children?

Early orthodontic intervention can correct issues like bite problems and overcrowding, leading to better oral health, improved aesthetics, and reduced treatment time in the long run.

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